Multiple Development Sites

At Melisi Homes we specialise in multi property developments. If you thought that demolishing and building two or more properties on one site was all too hard, then you haven’t not spoken to us.

We can help you with the design, demolish, sub-division and development of your site. There are many benefits to consider when building two or more properties on the one site. Reducing your allotment size will minimize general home maintenance while receiving rental income from the other property. Holding and investment properties attract good depreciation claims as well as tax deductibility on the interest of the loan.

If you like your street address and your neighbours, then consider building a brand new low maintenance house with new fixtures and fittings and sell the second property to reduce your debt.

If you live on a corner block, then consider cutting off the rear yard if possible and build a new home at the back and then renovate the existing house.

There are also some capital gains tax incentives possible when building two properties on the one allotment.

Please call us on (08) 8365 5300 to discuss.